1. Use native plants in the landscape. Native plants are naturally drought and disease resistant.
2. Reduce the amount of turf on your property. Grass is a heavy consumer of water and fertilizers. 50% of all water consumption is from lawn irrigation.
3. Use rain barrels to collect rain water for your plants. Rain barrels keep precious water from being wasted by washing into the storm drains. Saving water is essential to green living.
7. Buy green products made from organic and all-natural ingredients, as well as recycled, renewable or re-purposed materials whenever possible. Support the "Fair Trade Made" industry.
8. Use energy saving light bulbs, LED holiday lights, Energy Star Appliances etc. Install solar outdoor lighting. Green households can reduce energy usage by as much as 20%.
9. Turn down the heat! Keeping your heat at 68 degrees will save energy and money! Open windows and enjoy the fresh air. Use air conditioning only when necessary.
10. Turn off the lights! If you are not in the room, the lights should be off! Unplug small appliances when not in use. You can now buy green products such as computers, office supplies and regular household items.